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Common problems in the operation of axial flow and mixed flow pumps

Anxial  flow pump

The noise and vibration of pump operation, because it is original in many aspects :

1. Leaves round and the pump shell friction, pump shaft bending bearing excessive wear, win two axis connected with the transmission of no of leaves around with debris and foreign bodies into the pump and so on will caused by noises and vibration, should stop checking and correcting and remove obstacles.  

2. Foot screw loosening, pump shaft and drive shaft nut loose, coupling loose screws, etc. shall be check one by one, loosening and fastening part.  

3. The occurrence of cavitation. Should check the analysis of the causes of cavitation, to be treated, such as the Department of suction process is too high, it should reduce the pump installation height.  

4. The same water tanks, several pump is arranged in the right, in the pump is running, mutual interference, swirl, to make a large amount of air into the pump body, caused by vibration should be re reasonable layout of water, to reduce the mutual interference.  

5. Axial flow pump in a saddle point operation, is also prone to vibration and noise, to avoid this period is good.  


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