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How to select suitable pump

OS single-stage double suction pump centrifugal pump


According to the established design flow and design of lift, in the type spectrum, first of all on the ordinate to design the head to find out with lift requirements, and the flow ranging from a few pumps, then on the abscissa in order to design the flow to determine what a kind of pump selection. If the design flow is large, single pump failed to meet the requirements, can consider multi machine operation, but should pay attention to the use of the same model of the pump, in order to facilitate the construction and installation, management and maintenance.

1. The use of pump performance specifications pump pump pump factory in the product catalog are provided in this form, the performance of each model has three lines of data, which is exactly the one act? General design flow and design of lift should be tables and performance listed in the middle of numerical consistent, or close to, and must off the in, two lines at the bottom of the range, because the range of efficient operation of the pump region, this type of pump that is in line with the actual needs, water is selected.

2. Use the pump selection table type pump according to determine the design head and design flow, in the selection table, horizontal header check identify and design of lift in conformity with or close to the head of the numerical; and in the vertical header finds out and design flow are consistent or similar flow numerical, Criss Cross in small squares, it marked the types of pumps, initially selected type pump. But sometimes there are two types of pump to meet the design requirements, at this time, the two types of pump can be compared to the program for technical and economic analysis, and then select one of the appropriate pump type. This method is relatively simple and quick way to choose the pump.

3. The use of pump performance of integrated spectra of the election type pump, centrifugal pump, axial flow pump, mixed flow pump working area all comprehensive painting in with a map, which constitute the series of comprehensive agricultural pump spectrum, the comparative mapping complex, but more convenient to use


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