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Cause analysis of pump flow component damage

Cause of damage analysis: 
 1. Sand abrasive wear and abrasion 
 2. Liquid flow erosion damage 
 3. Cavitation damage 
Due to the sudden changes in water flow components of local fluid flow speed, increase the impact of grinding effect on impeller surface sediment particle flow, and cavitation in the flow passage of the failure under the action of metal surface protective film is damaged, damaged parts of the metal membrane in seawater and electrochemcial corrosion. High speed containing suspended sediment flow belongs to the destruction of small micro cutting angle, with the increase of sediment concentration, the flow of sand surface wear of materials is relatively increased, wear strength increases. Therefore, the flow direction of the surface of the water pump flow component is distributed along the direction of the water flow, which is a fish scale and a groove shape. This type of corrosion is produced in the interaction of metal fluid mechanics factors and electrochemical factors, which includes not only the mechanical force, and corrosion, erosion of the main factors which affect the metal material properties, fluid surface velocity and water quality conditions. 

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