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6 major household use of pipeline booster pump

Pipeline pump

1.Water heater water pressure inadequate pressure: to solve the problem of water heater due to lack of water pressure, leading to the point of not burning problem, the installation of pipeline booster pump to improve the pressure and flow of water pressure and flow. 

2.The tap water pressure is insufficient pressure: domestic water storage tank water supply, can greatly increase the water pressure and keep the water pressure stable. 
3.Apartment tower top residential apartment: pressure due to distance too close to the luck of pressure tank water is too small or not use water heater ignition. 
4.Fish pond fishing cylinder water circulation: can add fresh oxygen, but also can avoid dirt in water. 
5.Industrial equipment recycling boiler cooling: equipment is higher than the level of water supply, the use of pipeline booster pump, coupled with the water flow check valve, so that the boiler, equipment, machinery and other work continuously. 
6.Household water purifier front pressure: as the water continued to be polluted, tap water can not be easily drinkable, people begin to carry out two times of household tap water, after the installation of water purification equipment, water pressure decreases, affect the normal use, in the front configuration of pipeline booster pump is particularly necessary. 

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