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Parameters of single-stage double-suction pump

OS single-stage double-suction pump

Mintroduction of several performance parameters of the double suction pump. 

1. Head: 

The head of the double suction pump is also called the head of the pump, which is the energy gained by the weight of the single body fluid by the pump. Pump structure is the main factor affecting the pump head size, and other factors also include the bending of the blade, speed; 

2. Efficiency: 

Double suction pump in the process of conveying liquid, the shaft power is greater than the discharge to the pipe in the liquid from the impeller to obtain the power; 

3. Shaft power: 

Double suction pump shaft power of pump is the pump shaft power required, the value of effective power of Ne and efficiency according to the calculation of pump; 

4. Flow: 

Double suction pump flow that is the double suction pump delivery capacity, refers to the unit time of the pump delivery of the liquid volume; 

According to the analysis of the four parameters of head and efficiency, shaft power, flow, we can conclude that, double suction pump efficiency is mainly reflected in the head and efficiency of centrifugal pump, with more extensive study of the parameters becomes more and more urgent. Only through a more thorough and profound study can we find more problems and the direction to study. 

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