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How to properly use the slurry to improve work efficiency

Slurry pump


Select the flow and head according to the actual needs

General users in the slurry pump selection, only pay attention to the flow rate of the pump is selected, regardless of the pump head selection, some people even think that lift the higher insurance, so selection of slurry pump head to greater than the actual lift need and even electric energy wasted a lot of.

Slurry pump selection should be in accordance with the actual need to head to choose, in order to reduce the number of installed, save energy. Also need to pay attention to a point, in the calculation of the lift and need to thinking head loss, prevent the pump head no, and the influence of irrigation and drainage pump power.

The motor and pump power must be matched reasonably

Motor and slurry pump power is not reasonable matching, mainly reflected in "Daniel pulled small plough, the Mavericks pulled large plow" two aspects, especially first phenomenon, in particular, matching the power of selected too large, resulting in electric energy waste is very large. The latter supporting power selected too small, the calf pull plough, stock volume will cause the shortage of slurry pump. Motor overload, or with fixed pump, cannot ensure the equipment safety, economic operation, we must motor and slurry pump power must be matched reasonably, is the solution.

Scientific and reasonable device for slurry pump

If conditions permit, installed the pump to minimize the amount of elbow, or cancel the three valve, pipeline is preferably straight, short, do not and the water outlet pipe is arranged into "flak", take subjacent device, a tilting device and method to reduce the loss. Pipe diameter size of head loss effect greatly, it is best to take the pipe diameter slightly large slurry pump bore a level, can improve the transmission power of the pump.

Slurry pump reasonable selection and use of four or more is, concentrator only reasonable use of these methods, can improve their beneficiation plant production power, achieve the purpose of energy efficiency.

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