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Arrangement mode of pipeline centrifugal pump

1. Open layout of the pipeline centrifugal pump arranged in the gallery below or on the side of the tube, the liquid can be arranged in the vicinity of suction device. The main advantage is well ventilated, easy operation and maintenance, if pump arranged in the pipe gallery below, the pump outlet center line should, from the pipe pillars in the center line of 0.6m

2. Semi open layout of semi open layout of the pump is suitable for wet areas, generally in the pipe gallery is disposed below pump, in the pipeline does not set the roof, or will pump arranged in the frame of the lower ground, with framework platform as the ceiling. Pump arrangement in accordance with the requirements of the pump arranged in a single row, double row or more.
3. The pump is suitable for the cold or multi blown sand area, as well as the special requirements of the process.

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