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The fault of hot water pipeline pump no water

1. The hot water pipeline pump import and export valve is not open, import and export pipeline obstruction, the impeller flow channel blocking.
Solution: check valve, remove the resistance.
2. Motor running direction is not right, the motor is short of phase speed is very slow.
Solution: adjust the motor direction, strong motor wiring.
3. Suction pipe leakage.
Solution: tighten the cover, remove the air.
4. The hot water pipeline pump is not filled with liquid, the pump cavity has an air.
Solution: open the pump cover or open the exhaust valve, exhaust air.
5. Imported water supply shortage of suction is too high, at the end of valve leakage.
Solution: stop check, adjust (the grid connected to the water pipe and the use of the suction process is prone to this phenomenon).
6. Pipeline resistance is too large, hot water pipeline pump selection is not suitable.
Solution: to reduce the pipeline bend, re election pump.

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